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Elevations Assessment
You are investing in your future by going to school. Knowing what career you are preparing for ensures that your education is focused and well utilized. However, it’s difficult to discover what career is best for you without some expert guidance.
Elevations was developed by a career development professional, not a testing company or job search website. This is the most complete, up-to-date career assessment platform designed specifically for students/youth seeking a career direction.
When you complete Elevations, you will better understand who you are and what strengths you bring to a potential career. Don’t worry, Elevations is not a test, it’s a creative starting point to elevate your confidence and resilience. From this position of self-awareness, you can align your education and work experience with your career potential.
“Elevations pegged my skills and revealed jobs that would be perfect for me. Soon after I completed Elevations I had two job interviews. I used what I learned from my assessment results to express my strengths. I was hired for both jobs, a hostess position and an internship. I wish I had known about this before now. I absolutely recommend it.”
College Student, Sophomore Year
Elevations can help you clarify where your strengths are and then relate those strengths to exciting, twenty-first-century career opportunities. Elevations is holistic in its approach, considering your interpersonal skills, team functioning, leadership tendencies, and typical preferences in the work environment.
Yes, Elevations includes both traditional and emerging careers. Elevations will provide you with a slate of contemporary career possibilities that match your skills, values, and personality preferences.
There are 80 careers profiled in Elevations for Students. Once you know which careers match your profile, you can begin using online search tools or other career research resources to explore the more than 60,000 careers available in the global labor market. Elevations is a launching pad and an educational process.
Not likely! Most of us vaguely remember taking a test in school that defined a few career fields or suggested you were terrible in math (like you didn’t know that already!). The old standards generally focused on your interests, providing you a narrow perspective based on your limited life experience. Elevations is more than a test, it is a total solution for a student seeking career direction.
The average student completes Elevations in about 20 minutes. A counselor or career coach generally spends four hours delivering an Elevations interpretation over the course of several sessions. Elevations is also a natural for a career development course offered at a college or university. Instructors use the online tool and the report as the text for both quarter and semester-long courses.
No, Elevations can be completed by an ordinary person without the assistance of a career professional. But, many students seek out a counselor or a career coach to gain support for the implementation of their career plans.
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